Recent Review Article on Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis

A team of authors from Sasol Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology has recently published a lengthy and informative review on Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, with among others descriptions of the process, and the preparation and characterization of cobalt and iron catalysts.

The reference:

Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis: Catalysts and Chemistry; van de Loosdrecht J., Botes F.G., Ciobica I.M., Ferreira A., Gibson P., Moodley D.J., Saib A.M., Visagie J.L., Weststrate C.J. and Niemantsverdriet J.W.; In: Jan Reedijk and Kenneth Poeppelmeier, editors. Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II, Vol 7. Oxford: Elsevier; 2013. p. 525-557.

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Published on February 24, 2014